Thanks Laura,
I've been to the muptopia site, but unfortunately it's a matter of finding a score typeset with the current version your working on. Convert-ly does some of the job but then there some manual recoding that needs to be done, which can prove just as scarey as starting with a blank file. (I must admit it was a steep learning curve installing python and using the python scripts in the 2.6 windows version).
I suppose the template site would become a bit of a white elephant having to continully reformat code for each version of lilypond as it evolves. I guess that's why the examples in the manual and regression test are usually on the simple side.
Meanwhile I haven't seen much music typeset and published via lilypond.The most comprehensive example I have seen is Handel's - Guilo Cesare... but unfortunately the code is so old that it doesn't help with producing scores with current versions of lilypond.
We are lucky that there are such people who are readily able to help those of us who can into trouble every now and again.
Thanks again to all..
From: Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Figured Bass Above Bass line
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 00:29:13 -0400
>>>>> "TJ" == Trent J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
TJ> Maybe there could be a facility where people could share
TJ> templates etc it might make grasping the technicalities of
TJ> lilypond a little easier if people could start by entering
TJ> music instead of figuring out the coding a score.
Quite a lot of us who write lilypond do post our input files on the
web. There used to be a page on the lilypond website which pointed to
some of them. And there's the mutopia project, which also isn't
easy to find from the website.
I think my best figured bass attempt is at
<>. Unfortunately, it's lilypond
1.6, so it might not be much direct use to you. I haven't been doing
much baroque stuff lately.
Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097 fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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