On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 8:53 AM SK <s.skr.k...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> since a few days I cannot use a script involving lilypond-book anymore.
> It's really strange cause I don't remember to change anything for the
> script, the included python or lilypond itself. Only thing I did was
> cleaning up the output directory by deleting old files - as far as I
> understand this should not change the behaviour of the script.
> I'm on Windows 10, lilypond 2.24.4
> Here is the error:
> C:/Users/xxx/Documents/lilypond/share/lilypond/2.24.4/ly/init.ly:65:2:
> error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here
> #
>  (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler)
> Throw to key `system-error' with args `(("open-fdes" "~A" ("No such file
> or directory") (2)))'.
> Command 'lilypond --formats=ps  -I
>  "D:\xxx\Dropbox\Dropbox\Songbook\Sample" -daux-files  -dinclude-eps-fonts
> -dgs-load-fonts  -dseparate-page-formats=eps,pdf  --loglevel=ERROR
> -dread-file-list -dno-strip-output-dir
>  "C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/Tools/Songbook/Sample/pyOut/
> snippet-names-387c018110e42acaf491e2ef65eae35c.ly"' returned non-zero
> exit status 1.
> Any help would be very much appreciated, I could find nothing online to
> solve this issue.
> Kind regards!

Is it possible that a file needed by the LilyPond source file was one of
those deleted?  What about setting the log level to DEBUG and see if that
gives you any more clues?

Knute Snortum

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