
since a few days I cannot use a script involving lilypond-book anymore.
It's really strange cause I don't remember to change anything for the
script, the included python or lilypond itself. Only thing I did was
cleaning up the output directory by deleting old files - as far as I
understand this should not change the behaviour of the script.
I'm on Windows 10, lilypond 2.24.4

Here is the error:
error: Guile signaled an error for the expression beginning here
 (let ((book-handler (if (defined? 'default-toplevel-book-handler)
Throw to key `system-error' with args `(("open-fdes" "~A" ("No such file or
directory") (2)))'.
Command 'lilypond --formats=ps  -I
 "D:\xxx\Dropbox\Dropbox\Songbook\Sample" -daux-files  -dinclude-eps-fonts
-dgs-load-fonts  -dseparate-page-formats=eps,pdf  --loglevel=ERROR
-dread-file-list -dno-strip-output-dir
snippet-names-387c018110e42acaf491e2ef65eae35c.ly"' returned non-zero exit
status 1.

Any help would be very much appreciated, I could find nothing online to
solve this issue.

Kind regards!

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