On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 8:36 AM <carsonm...@ca.rr.com> wrote:

> Knute,
> Your prompting my to submit a MWE got me to solve the issue. That in
> itself was a learning moment. Thank you.
> It is included for your possible interest (it has to do with the “\once”
> command).

I'm glad you worked it out.  I have often thought of posting here, then
while creating an MWE I solve my problem, just as you did.

I've attached another MWE where I used \voiceXx commands instead of
overrides, just so you can see what I was getting at.

Knute Snortum
\version "2.24.0"

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "upper" <<
    \time 4/4
    \key c \minor
    \new Voice = "soprano"
      \voiceOne \relative c'' {
        s1*4 \bar "|."

    \new Voice = "alto"
      \voiceTwo \relative c'' {
        g4 \change Staff = "lower" \voiceOne  
        aes,8\rest g^~ g4 aes8\rest fis |  
        g4 f c'2 |
        aes2\rest d4 r4 |
        c4 s2. |

  \new Staff = "lower" <<
    \time 4/4
    \key c \minor
    \clef bass
    \new Voice = "tenor"
      \voiceOne \relative c {
        ees4 d8\rest
        ees~ ees4 d8\rest <c d> | 
        ees4 d <f aes>2 |
        d\rest f4 d\rest |
        g4 s2. |

    \new Voice = "bass"
      \voiceTwo \relative c {
        g4 r8 g aes4 r8 a |
        g2 c | r c4 r | c s2. |

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