> While it is rather innocuous in this particular case it might be
> extremely frustrating for beginners to find out why LilyPond does
> this.

I'm not sure I follow your thought process. What is it that you worry would
be confusing to beginners? Genuine question. Is it something about
accidental replacements specifically, or just text replacements generally?

I would definitely agree on the general point that text replacement rules
get pretty deep into LilyPond's inner workings, and if you don't already
know they are there it's nearly impossible to figure out what's going on or
where to look to change it. For that reason, default text replacements
should only be added if we expect that essentially every user will be happy
with them. Also, compared to a lot of other defaults, text replacements
have a non-negligible performance cost due to the per-markup function call

My personal view is that replacing Unicode accidentals with the text
accidentals of the current music font would probably be a sensible default
behavior. I've long felt that it was surprising and frustrating to find
that Unicode accidentals fall back on a totally different font than that
used for other text or music (and one which typically looks worse, and that
looks different on different OSes). But I won't claim that my preference is
representative of anyone other than myself.


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