Sorry for the late reply.

>> > Why not add global text replacements substituting the accidental
>> > markups in place of the Unicode characters? Personally I prefer
>> > to type and read within my code the Unicode accidentals but I'd
>> > always want the output to use Emmentaler.
>> Sure!  This sounds like a nice contribution to the LSR, in case you
>> have some time :-)
> Here's what I have in my stylesheet:
> \paper {
>   #(add-text-replacements!
>     `(("♭" . ,(markup #:fontsize -1 #:text-flat))
>       ("♮" . ,(markup #:fontsize -1 #:text-natural))
>       ("♯" . ,(markup #:fontsize -1 #:text-sharp))
>       ))
> }
> The fontsize adjustment might be out of date. I saw there was some
> discussion around the design of the text accidentals and I haven't
> checked how this looks on the most recent development release.
> What do you think about adding this to the default text
> replacements?

Rather not IMHO.  This is something only experts should activate.
While it is rather innocuous in this particular case it might be
extremely frustrating for beginners to find out why LilyPond does
this.  But maybe it's only me who thinks that.


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