> On 26 Jan 2025, at 11:52, Jenifer Tribe <jonathan_tr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> .., if there are any!

> It is no longer possible to doubleclick on a .ly file to compile a script. 
> Windows 11 cannot identify the specific program associated lilypond, so all 
> you see is an option to choose Lilypond 'Just once' followed by abject 
> failure. Windows only seems to recognise programs which they have classified 
> as apps, so no version appears in the list of default programs. 

Likely some corruption (most likely somewhere in the registry) on your system. 
I still had a clean Windows 11 VM (normally work on the Mac), so I downloaded 
2.24.4, unzipped it to C:\Users\<mysuser>\lilypond-2.24.4 and had the 
opportunity to set it to always and have compile-on-doubleclick.

Fixing your system likely will need some Windows Registry wizardry as Microsoft 
has fully restructured the way file associations are stored in the registry, so 
unfortunately cannot assist you on where to look in the registry.

In any case you’re likely better off with either direct command-line usage or 
using tools like Frescobaldi, since you will loose all the error/warning 
outputs lilypond might give in your current way-of-working.
When I deliberately put an error in my lilypond (not terminating a string) I 
don’t have anything to go by to find out that lilypond complains about a too 
early end-of-file whereas running it myself from the CMD prompt nicely show me 
the errors that lilypond reports:

C:\Users\aikebah\Desktop>\Users\aikebah\lilypond-2.24.4\bin\lilypond.exe bla.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.24.4 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `bla.ly'
bla.ly:1:10: error: end quote missing
bla.ly:1: warning: no \version statement found, please add

\version "2.24.4"

for future compatibility
fatal error: failed files: "bla.ly"

> A similar problem has been reported with jpg and png files not being 
> associated with Photos. There is apparently a repair option that can be 
> applied in that case.
> There may be some manual work-round. It was working for me on a very old 
> Lilypond version, and only stopped when I upgraded to 2.24.2. Reverting to 
> the old version, that now has the same problem.
> Jonathan

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