On Sun 19 Jan 2025 at 19:28:25 (+0000), Jenifer Tribe wrote:
> This is where I was and what I typed:
> C:\Users\jenny\Documents\Music\Lilypond\Isaac\Coralis C\Pentecost XVIII 
> Communion>convert-ly -e Coralis-notes-A.ly
> I've removed the local copy of convert-ly.
> I think that's better - it  has converted each of the data files, and they 
> appear to be unchanged, as I expected, but it reports:
> convert-ly.py: error: : Unable to open file
> six times.

I would have expected to see something more like:

  convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.24.0

  convert-ly: Processing `Coralis-notes-A.ly'... 
  Applying conversion: 2.19.2, 2.19.7, 2.19.11, 2.19.16, 2.19.22, 2.19.24, 
2.19.28, 2.19.29, 2.19.32, 2.19.39, 2.19.40, 2.19.46, 2.19.49, 2.20.0, 2.21.0, 
2.21.2, 2.22.0, 2.23.1, 2.23.2, 2.23.3, 2.23.4, 2.23.5, 2.23.6, 2.23.7, 2.23.8, 
2.23.9, 2.23.10, 2.23.11, 2.23.12, 2.23.13, 2.23.14, 2.24.0

after you typed the command. And the data files should differ
at least in their version, say:

  \version "2.18.0" → \version "2.24.0"

even when there are no actual syntax changes made.
When does the error message occur in relation to this?

> As it happens, being a windows user, I have always compiled by right clicking 
> on the data file and opening it with Lilypond.exe. That is no longer 
> available. I suspect windows users probably all use frescobaldi these days.

That would suggest to me that there's something wrong with
how you installed LP. Nowadays LP comes as a zip file that
you unpack in an appropriate place, rather than as an
EXE file with an installer script built in, like version
2.18.2 did.

> I think I'll give up and go back to ver 2.18.2. I wanted to engrave 
> plainchant, but it probably isn't worth the hassle.

You might need to wait for a windows user here to check over
your installation(s), something I can't do. Perhaps check your
versions haven't become entangled.


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