Currently I am working with a FontForge script to convert LilyPond music fonts to SMuFL. While I am writing the script, I find that when I opens a LilyPond font, FontForge will pop up a dialog showing warnings:

The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge
  Ignoring 'LILC'
  Ignoring 'LILF'
  Ignoring 'LILY'

Also, when I tried to modify LilyPond music fonts provided by the OpenLilypondFonts projects in GitHub using FontForge, save them, and invoke the modified font in my LilyPond score, I found that many characters, such as noteheads are misplaced. So it seems like that the so said LILC, LILF and LILY table contains crucial metadata for a LilyPond music font to function normally. So my questions are as follows:

 * What are the three tables described above? What information do they
 * Is there a font editor that can edit these tables? If not, how does
   it come that music fonts in OpenLilyPondFonts have these tables?

Best regards,


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