Hi Jun,
Am 04.01.25 um 18:07 schrieb Jun Tamura:
Yes. Thank you.
I now understand that the following are equivalent.
<_>8 \once\bassFigureExtendersOn <_>8
<_>8 \once\bassFigureExtendersOn <_>
<_>8 \once\bassFigureExtendersOn 8
<_>8 \once\bassFigureExtendersOn q
In effect, yes.
On a related note: I still think that the bass figure extenders are
inherently mis-designed in LilyPond. They translate a repeated _figure_
into a line, which is (in the common case where the line extends over a
change of the bass note) exactly the opposite of what the extender
actually means: It usually means that the _chord_ is being held. So,
while the LilyPond source
\version "2.24"
extend = \once\bassFigureExtendersOn
\new FiguredBass \figuremode {
<6>4 \extend <6>
\new Staff \relative {
\clef bass
e4 d c2
\new FiguredBass \figuremode {
<6>4 <6>
\new Staff \relative {
\clef bass
e4 d c2
(the two scores only differing in the presence/absence of \extend) would
suggest that the same music gets rendered in different styles, the
musical meaning of the two versions is, on the contrary, quite different:
In particular, a global switch like \bassFigureExtendersOn makes it
impossible to have, say, two 6-chords following one another. That's why
I routinely define \extend and use only this.
But I admit that, while this has been bothering me for quite some time
now, I didn't yet try and look up whether there were past discussions on
this matter on the list or in the issue tracker.