Hi Lukas,

Thank you!
Would you kindly let me know where I can find the trick of “q” in the 


> 2025/01/04 22:10、Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de>のメール:
> Hi Jun,
> Am 04.01.25 um 14:01 schrieb Jun Tamura:
>> I’m trying to typeset J. S. Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 2 and come across 
>> the attached figured bass. Is there a good way to achieve this in LilyPond? 
>> Bach often uses a short horizontal line, like a minus sign, instead of “3” 
>> to indicate the third. I can typeset that with:
>> < \markup “-“ >
>> but I cannot find a way to draw an extender line without a number at the 
>> beginning.
>> Thanks in advance for your help.
> \version "2.24"
> extend = \once\bassFigureExtendersOn
> \layout {
>   \override BassFigureAlignment.stacking-dir = #UP
> }
> <<
>   \new FiguredBass \figuremode {
>     s4 <2 4 6>2 <_>8 \extend q
>     <5 6>4 <7>2 <5 6>4
>     <5! 6\\>4 <2 4 6>2 <_>8 \extend q
>   }
>   \new Staff \relative {
>     \clef bass
>     \key d \major
>     d4 cis2 d8 cis
>     b4 g'2 b,4
>     cis4 b2 cis8 b
>   }
> >>
> <A6Ayhzoilu8WC7Eg.png>
> Lukas

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