On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 5:59 PM Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> How can I increase the distance between the last note of a measure and the
> following bar line?


Back in 2021 this question lead to an extensive discussion about how the
information architecture of the IR might be optimized.

I'd like to re-up this discussion now (at the end of 2024) and say how
effective I thought so many of the suggestions in that thread were.

Most helpful of all was the suggestion that the grob descriptions given as
IR 3.1 ...


... be expanded to list *all* properties for a given grob, rather than only
the properties that a grob *changes* from interface defaults.

This is such a great idea. When I teach LilyPond in the classroom, I am
always surprised to re-discover how much time users spend clicking back and
forth between a grob's description in IR 3.1 and the (potentially many)
interfaces hyperlinked at the bottom of the page. As many people noted back
in the original thread in 2021, the current information architecture of IR
3.1 induces a type of hub-and-spoke / hunt-and-peck interaction pattern on
readers of the documentation: this changes the experience of what should be
*reading about* a grob (here are the properties: which ones do I need?) to
an experience of *guessing whether* information about a grob is even
available at all (maybe if I just click on one more interface ...).

The Internals Reference contains a huge wealth of information useful for
achieving truly professional typography with LilyPond. But decades into
LilyPond's development, navigating the IR to find what one needs is still
shockingly more difficult than it should be, as reported by truly every
single new user of the system I've observed in the classroom. Listing *all*
properties for a given grob -- where all means all -- in IR 3.1 would be a
tremendous step towards helping users find what they need. (Other
suggestions from the original thread were also excellent: making property
defaults crystal clear, for example. But I'd like to suggest that the #1
priority for any restructuring of the information architecture at IR 3.1 be
listing all properties for each grob on a single page, as a way of helping
define success if the work is ever taken up.)

(Open in GitHub as https://gitlab.com/lilypond/lilypond/-/issues/6210.)

Trevor Bača

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