On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 9:38 PM Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
> >> The policy of LilyPond is to avoid different property names for
> >> similar functionality, which often leads to cryptic property
> >> descriptions to be as generic as possible.  In this particular case
> >> an example is given, which is actually a good thing, but it doesn't
> >> cover the `centered-spanner-interface` incarnation of this
> >> property.
> >>
> >> Maybe you can suggest a better wording for the description of
> >> `spacing-pair`?
> >> [...]
> >
> > On the centered-spanner-interface page, the comment about the
> > MultiMeasureRest can just be deleted (as it's already on the
> > multi-measure-interface page, as long as the description of
> > spacing-pair is correct.
> Exactly this is not possible, because there exists only a single,
> global property called `spacing-pair`, which consequently has a
> single, global description.
> In other words, the auto-generated documentation sees that an
> interface uses `spacing-pair`, and it shows its description.

Okay, I see now. I guess this makes building the website a lot easier. 8-)

Maybe the comment about the MultiMeasureRest should become a Snippet instead.

> IIRC, a suggestion in the mentioned thread is to make the property
> description displayed for a given grob show which interfaces it is
> part of, for example
> ```
> ‘spacing-pair’ (pair)
>      interface(s):
>           centered-spanner-interface, multi-measure-interface

Yes, but spacing-pair isn't part of the multi-measure-interface.
Unless that's something that's being developed.

>>> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/internals/multi_002dmeasure_002dinterface

>      default value:
>           '(break-alignment . break-alignment)

There's a problem there, too, in that the default value depends on the grob.

In MeasureSpanner, the default value is (staff-bar . staff-bar)

In PercentRepeat, it's (break-alignment . staff-bar)

But I guess this is an issue to be mentioned in the other thread.

> >> What instrument(s) do you have in mind?  It is possible to improve
> >> the description while talking about 'left hand' and 'right hand' in
> >> the context of fretted instruments, but I don't think it makes
> >> sense to change these long-established terms.
> >
> > The main instrument I'm thinking of is the guitar.
> OK, I see.  The probably simplest solution is to explicitly mention
> that LilyPond uses the term 'right hand' to actually indicate the
> strumming hand.
> > And there's actually precedent, in that left-handed chord diagrams
> > (FretBoards) are supported by Lilypond.
> Well, this makes sense, because they are displayed differently.

Also, there's a grob named StrokeFinger. It's not named RightHandFinger.

Christopher Carl Heckman
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Teaching Associate Professor
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