> On Dec 10, 2024, at 12:20 AM, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Maybe you are using something else? In particular, I couldn't
>>> find a definition of `\jazzOn`...
>> That is in version 1.0, which has the different file LilyJAZZ.ily.
>> cf
>> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2014-05/msg00322.html
> Thanks. Well, I don't have sufficient time (and knowledge) to revise
> this, sorry.
Thank you all for the help. As I posited, user error rather than a bug was the
issue- in this case, not knowing there was a LilyJAZZ update. Replacing the
.otf fonts and using the newer stylesheet solved the problem. And eliminated
the need to use \jazzOn and \jazzOff to toggle the use of the font, as required
under the old stylesheet.