> In creating a tiny working example, I focused on a few bars of the
> composition and removed the rest of the code for the song.  In the
> process I discovered specifically that \include-ing LilyJAZZ.ily
> seems to be the culprit- turn it off, the up-stem notes are rendered
> correctly; turn it on and they are not.

Hmm.  I can't repeat this.  Using the fonts from


together with `stylesheet/lilyjazz.ily` from this repository, updated
manually to the 2.25 font syntax (attached, together with an adjusted
version of your original MWE), it seems to work just fine.  Maybe you
are using something else?  In particular, I couldn't find a definition
of `\jazzOn`...


\version "2.24.0"

#(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "letter")
  indent = 0.0
  ragged-last = ##f

\header {

\include "lilyjazz.ily"

melody = \relative c' {
% \jazzOn
  \time 4/4
  \clef treble
  \key d \major

  \set Score.rehearsalMarkFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
  % \mark #1

  \override Staff.KeySignature.break-visibility = #all-invisible
  \override Staff.Clef.break-visibility = #all-invisible

  % Intro
  <a fis' g d'>4 q8 q8 <a fis' a d>2 |
  <a fis' g d'>4 q8 q8 <a fis' a d>4 q4 |
  <a fis' g d'>4 q8 q8 <a fis' a d>2 |
  <a fis' g d'>4 q8 q8 <a fis' a d>4 q4 | \break

  \set Score.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 3 4)
  \repeat volta 2 {
    % 1
    \tuplet 3/2 { e''8 d8 a8 } d8 g,16 fis16 a8 fis16 a,16 g'8 fis16 a,16 |
    \tuplet 3/2 { <a c'>8 g'8 e8 } c'8 g8
      \tuplet 3/2 { g,8 d'8 c'16( b16) } g4 |
    <a, fis' g d'>4 q8 q8 <a fis' a d>2 |
    <a fis' g d'>4 q8 q8 <a fis' a d>2 | \break

  \new ChordNames {
    \set chordChanges = ##t
  \new Staff \melody
%%%% The stylesheet for LILYJAZZ music font and LILYJAZZ-TEXT font
%%%% In order for this to work, this file's directory needs to
%%%% be placed in LilyPond's path
%%%% NOTE: If a change in the staff-size is needed, include
%%%% this file after it, like:
%%%% #(set-global-staff-size 17)
%%%% \include "lilyjazz.ily"
%%%% Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Abraham Lee (tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com)

\version "2.25.6"

\paper {
  property-defaults.fonts.music = "lilyjazz"
  property-defaults.fonts.serif = "lilyjazz-text"
  property-defaults.fonts.sans = "lilyjazz-chord"

\layout {
  \override Score.Hairpin.thickness = #2
  \override Score.Stem.thickness = #2
  \override Score.TupletBracket.thickness = #2
  \override Score.VoltaBracket.thickness = #2
  \override Score.SystemStartBar.thickness = #4
  \override StaffGroup.SystemStartBracket.padding = #0.25
  \override ChoirStaff.SystemStartBracket.padding = #0.25
  %\override Staff.Tie.thickness = #3
  \override Staff.Tie.line-thickness = #2
  \override Staff.Slur.thickness = #3
  \override Staff.PhrasingSlur.thickness = #3
  \override Staff.BarLine.hair-thickness = #4
  \override Staff.BarLine.thick-thickness = #8
  \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest.hair-thickness = #3
  \override Staff.MultiMeasureRestNumber.font-size = #2
  \override LyricHyphen.thickness = #3
  \override LyricExtender.thickness = #3
  \override PianoPedalBracket.thickness = #2

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