On Sat 09 Nov 2024 at 15:13:02 (-0800), Stu McKenzie wrote:
> On 2024-11-09 14:21, Thomas Morley wrote:
> > Am Sa., 9. Nov. 2024 um 21:10 Uhr schrieb Stu McKenzie:
> > 
> > > The second bar loses the '\skip 8'.
> > Nope. Use bar-checks ;)
> > 
> > Cheers,
> >    Harm
> > 
> I must be missing something here!
> The first bar of the 'eighthNotes' has durations: 8 x 8.
>  TOTAL = 8 quavers or 4 crotchets (1 bar in 4/4 time).
> The first bar of the 'words' has durations: 8 + 4 + 8 = 2 beats, 8 + 8
> + 8 + 8 = 2 beats
>  TOTAL = 8 quavers or 4 crotchets (1 bar in 4/4 time).
> Why does the lyrics bar 1 'words' result in "warning: barcheck failed
> at 7/8"?

I've attached some code to append to your example. I don't know
what sort of music you're setting, but as you mentioned melismas,
I've added some slurs to show the effect they have.

Note how you need to set an associated voice, when using durations,
to get the "melismatic shift" in the lyric position.

When not using durations, both slurs and "_" lyrics will cause
this shift, as seen in the last two examples. Because I don't use
durations, I prefer "" rather than \skip, because \skip must be
followed by a duration, but that duration is meaningless and
could be misleading.

  eighthNotes = {
    c'8 8 8 8 \break
    c'8 8 8 8 |
    c'8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 |
  words = \lyricmode {
    \skip 8 Two4 \startTextSpan Four8 Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven8 Eight |
    \skip 8 Two4 \startTextSpan Four8 Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven8 Eight |

    \new Voice = "one" \eighthNotes
    \new Lyrics \words

  eighthNotes = {
    c'8 8( 8) 8 \break
    c'8 8 8 8 |
    c'8 8( 8) 8 8 8 8 8 |
  words = \lyricmode {
    \skip 8 Two4 \startTextSpan Four8 Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven8 Eight |
    \skip 8 Two4 \startTextSpan Four8 Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven8 Eight |

    \new Voice = "one" \eighthNotes
    \new Lyrics \words

  eighthNotes = {
    c'8 8( 8) 8 \break
    c'8 8 8 8 |
    c'8 8( 8) 8 8 8 8 8 |
  words = \lyricmode {
    \set associatedVoice = "one"
    \skip 8 Two4 \startTextSpan Four8 Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven8 Eight |
    \skip 8 Two4 \startTextSpan Four8 Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven8 Eight |

    \new Voice = "one" \eighthNotes
    \new Lyrics \words

  eighthNotes = {
    c'8 8 8 8 \break
    c'8 8 8 8 |
    c'8 8( 8) 8 8 8 8 8 |
  words = \lyricmode {
    "" Two \startTextSpan _ Four Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven Eight |
    \skip 1 Two \startTextSpan Four Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven Eight |

    \new Voice = "one" \eighthNotes
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \words

  eighthNotes = {
    c'8 8 8 8 \break
    c'8 8 8 8 |
    c'8 8( 8) 8 8 8 8 8 |
  words = \lyricmode {
    "" Two \startTextSpan _ Four Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven Eight |
    \skip 1 Two \startTextSpan Four Five Six \stopTextSpan Seven Eight |

    \new Voice \eighthNotes
    \addlyrics \words

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