Hello all, It was quite a while I was out of the LP community, a dosen of years to be honest. I hope all is well with you all.
I got a music score from about that time written in Finale. I exported it into musicxml using Finale Notepad and after that used musicxml2ly to get you guess what. There's a piano part (pianoStaff) with very little polyphony but the piano music is actually spreaded across 8 voices (4 voices per staff) which makes it very difficult to manage notehead collisions, rest positions, steam directions etc. Most of the parts contains lots of "r" and "s" and only few notes in random places. I wish I had one voice per staff and then manually alter those few places to temporarily introduce a second voice. So partcombine isn't a choice because I need another step forward in merging direction. A minimal example: % input parta = { a4 b8 c d2} partb = { e4 r r f } % output abmerge = {<e a>4 b8 c d4 f} I am not talking about parts containing << \\ >> or \new voice yet. I have a feeling it's out of Lilypond's scope. Maybe it could be implemented using Frescobaldi's extension. BR – Antanas