Thank you, everyone!

I am somewhat familiar with Scribus, never used LaTex before though, so perhaps 
I'll give that a try first, with something simple.


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Sent: Monday, October 14, 2024 3:13 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Advice or tutorials for book publishing?

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OOoLilyPond works quite well for short musical sheet extracts within a document.

For whole sheets, if you to handle page numbers, header and footers, table of 
contents, cover, etc, the best I can suggest is to use 

  *   create the PDF pages using Frescobaldi/Lilypond (as separate pages, or 
you can separate them with a PDF tool)
  *   use Scribus for your document, insert the pages as PDF linked into image 
frames (do not "import" the PDFs!) and add everything you need on top 
(preferably on a different layer)
  *   export as PDF from Scribus (be sure to select "Embed PDF.... 
experimental", it says experimental, but it works very well!I

You can even redit the music with Lilypond, if needed, and you do not need to 
reinsert the PDF, providing they have the same name.

Le 14.10.24 à 16:38, K. Blum a écrit :
Hi Dirck,

Am 14.10.2024 um 07:49 schrieb<>:

I’m looking for tips, advice, or even tutorials on publishing complete printed 
books (extensive text and musical examples) using Lilypond.

if you plan to use LibreOffice, you can have a look at the OOoLilyPond 

Musical examples can be integrated as SVG or PNG images and can be re-edited 
from within the LO document. For smaller projects, this is a practical tool.
For really big documents with lots of complete songs/pieces, you might prefer 
the TeX-based solutions mentioned by Carl and Hraban.


Silvain Dupertuis
Route de Lausanne 335
1293 Bellevue (Switzerland)
tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67
portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52

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