On Wed 25 Sep 2024 at 16:35:51 (-0500), Cameron Hall wrote: > Hello, I'm a fairly new user, and I'm trying to combine some similar parts > together in a score which may contain quoted sections. However, it seems that > using quoteDuring screws up the layout. Instead of getting neat chords, the > stem direction isn't right, it prints "Solo II" even though both parts have > notes (there shouldn't be any solo), and I get warnings that say "warning: > this Voice needs a \voiceXx or \shiftXx setting". > > %%% BEGIN SNIPPET %%% > \version "2.23.2" > > flute = \fixed c' { c4 c g g a a g2 f4 f e e d d c2 } > \addQuote flute \flute > > obOne = \fixed c' { \quoteDuring flute { s1*4 } } > obTwo = \fixed c' { c4 c e e f f e2 d4 d c c b, b, c2 } > > \score { > << > \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute > \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Oboes" } \partCombine > \obOne \obTwo > >> > } > %%% END SNIPPET %%% > > Adding a \voiceTwo command to the obTwo part gets rid of those warnings, but > still doesn't remove the bogus "Solo II" text.
I don't know whether partCombine is meant to be able to handle quoteDuring. You can use one or the other or neither to get something that might be acceptable. As a British singer, the lower staff in the last example is most familiar. I think American hymnbooks use the third style, but without the a2 marking that orchestral scores usually have printed. Cheers, David.
\version "2.23.2" flute = \fixed c' { c4 c g g a a g2 f4 f e e d d c2 } \addQuote flute \flute obOne = \fixed c' { \quoteDuring flute { s1*4 } } obTwo = \fixed c' { c4 c e e f f e2 d4 d c c b, b, c2 } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Oboes" } \partCombine \obOne \obTwo >> } \version "2.23.2" flute = \fixed c' { c4 c g g a a g2 f4 f e e d d c2 } \addQuote flute \flute oboes = \fixed c' { \quoteDuring flute { c4 c e e f f e2 d4 d c c b, b, c2 } } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Oboes" } \oboes >> } \version "2.23.2" flute = \fixed c' { c4 c g g a a g2 f4 f e e d d c2 } oboes = \fixed c' { c4 c e e f f e2 d4 d c c b, b, c2 } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Oboes" } \partCombine { \flute } { \oboes } >> } \version "2.23.2" flute = \fixed c' { c4 c g g a a g2 f4 f e e d d c2 } oboes = \fixed c' { c4 c e e f f e2 d4 d c c b, b, c2 } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Oboes" } << \new Voice { \voiceOne \flute } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \oboes } >> >> }