Hello, I'm a fairly new user, and I'm trying to combine some similar parts together in a score which may contain quoted sections. However, it seems that using quoteDuring screws up the layout. Instead of getting neat chords, the stem direction isn't right, it prints "Solo II" even though both parts have notes (there shouldn't be any solo), and I get warnings that say "warning: this Voice needs a \voiceXx or \shiftXx setting".
%%% BEGIN SNIPPET %%% \version "2.23.2" flute = \fixed c' { c4 c g g a a g2 f4 f e e d d c2 } \addQuote flute \flute obOne = \fixed c' { \quoteDuring flute { s1*4 } } obTwo = \fixed c' { c4 c e e f f e2 d4 d c c b, b, c2 } \score { << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Flute" } \flute \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Oboes" } \partCombine \obOne \obTwo >> } %%% END SNIPPET %%% Adding a \voiceTwo command to the obTwo part gets rid of those warnings, but still doesn't remove the bogus "Solo II" text. Thanks, Cam