> The reason is, it appears that old notation fonts have become
> slightly broken, especially glyphs relating to numbers (time
> signatures, multi-measure rests, figured bass). The attached files
> are rendered in 2.25.2 and .16 using
> https://github.com/OpenLilyPondFonts/cadence .

I've just tried to compile your code snippet with the 2.25.17
GNU/Linux binary from lilypond.org.  After copying the whole suite of
cadence fonts to the place where the `emmentaler-*.otf` fonts reside
(i.e., `.../share/lilypond/2.25.17/fonts/otf`), everything works as
expected; see attached file.

Note, however, that a lot of Emmentaler glyphs have been renamed since
the original release of the cadence fonts, and these glyphs will
certainly fail because LilyPond won't be able to find them.  In other
words, your simple example works by chance only.

> I was wondering if anyone else is working with custom notation fonts
> and knows if I can find more updated fonts anywhere,

I'm not aware of such efforts, unfortunately.

> or if there are any workarounds to use old fonts (for example, using
> `\override BassFigure.fonts.music = "emmentaler"`)?

There aren't such work-arounds, sorry.


Attachment: cadence.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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