>> I want to write a user-friendly markup command that can accept either
>> a markup or a markup list as arguments.  Example:
>> ```
>> % \ornament <above-stack> <base> <below-stack>
>> \markup \ornament \number ♭
>>                   \musicglyph "scripts.turn"
>>                   \number ♮
>> \markup \ornament { \number ♭ \number ♭ }
>>                   \musicglyph "scripts.turn"
>>                   \number ♮
>> ```
> So if you give a markup list here, is this supposed to be stacked
> horizontally or vertically?


> If horizontally, adding \line does not seem all that terrible.


> And it will be hard to explain what
> \markup \ornament \with-color #red { \number ♭ \number ♭ } ...
> is supposed to do: is \with-color #red applied to the numbers or to
> the whole list?

I would rather write either

  \markup \with-color #red \ornament { \number ♭ \number ♭ } ...


  \markup \ornament { \with-color #red \number ♭
                      \with-color #red \number ♭ } ...

so I don't mind if

  \markup \ornament \with-color #red { \number ♭ \number ♭ } ...

is probably not well defined.


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