Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

>> The real question is what you actually are trying to achieve here.
> I want to write a user-friendly markup command that can accept either
> a markup or a markup list as arguments.  Example:
> ```
> % \ornament <above-stack> <base> <below-stack>
> \markup \ornament \number ♭
>                   \musicglyph "scripts.turn"
>                   \number ♮
> \markup \ornament { \number ♭ \number ♭ }
>                   \musicglyph "scripts.turn"
>                   \number ♮
> ```

So if you give a markup list here, is this supposed to be stacked
horizontally or vertically?  If horizontally, adding \line does not seem
all that terrible.

And it will be hard to explain what

\markup \ornament \with-color #red { \number ♭ \number ♭ } ...

is supposed to do: is \with-color #red applied to the numbers or to the
whole list?

David Kastrup

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