Hi Kieren,

thank you for your answer. That's was my first attempt. But I couldn't
solve some spacing issues (the time signatures over and below the staff
were affected by the tempo markings and other staff stuff.



El vie, 31 may 2024 a las 13:27, Kieren MacMillan (<
kie...@kierenmacmillan.info>) escribió:

> Hi Federico,
> > I'm typesetting a work and really want to preserve its notational
> idiosyncrasies. One of them is an alternating way of using time signatures.
> > The attached MWEish does exactly what I want. The question, for me, is
> if this could be done in a simpler way (just for learning!).
> Not sure how much simpler it would be — it’s just a thought-experiment at
> this point! — but maybe you could define a context for displaying the
> TimeSignature below the bottom staff, and then have simple[r] music
> functions that toggle the TSs between (a) all Staff contexts and (b) the
> contexts above and below the staff group.
> Hope that points you in the right direction!
> (If I get a moment, I’ll see if I can put together an MWE based on my
> brainstorm…)
> Best,
> Kieren.
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