Hello, I'm typesetting a work and really want to preserve its notational idiosyncrasies. One of them is an alternating way of using time signatures. The attached MWEish does exactly what I want. The question, for me, is if this could be done in a simpler way (just for learning!).
[image: image.png] Thanks in advance! F.
\version "2.25.15" \layout { \context{ \Staff \name TopStaff \alias Staff } \context{ \Staff \name BottomStaff \alias Staff } \context{ \Staff \name MidStaff \alias Staff } \context { \Score \accepts TopStaff \accepts BottomStaff \accepts MidStaff } \context { \StaffGroup \accepts TopStaff \accepts BottomStaff \accepts MidStaff } } \midi { \context { \Staff \name TopStaff \alias Staff } \context{ \Staff \name BottomStaff \alias Staff } \context{ \Staff \name MidStaff \alias Staff } \context { \Score \accepts TopStaff \accepts BottomStaff \accepts MidStaff } \context { \StaffGroup \accepts TopStaff \accepts BottomStaff \accepts MidStaff } } TSScore = { \override TopStaff.TimeSignature.outside-staff-priority = #0 \override TopStaff.TimeSignature.direction = #UP \override TopStaff.TimeSignature.break-align-symbol = #'staff-bar \override TopStaff.TimeSignature.font-size = #-2 \override TopStaff.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t) \override BottomStaff.TimeSignature.outside-staff-priority = #0 \override BottomStaff.TimeSignature.direction = #DOWN \override BottomStaff.TimeSignature.break-align-symbol = #'staff-bar \override BottomStaff.TimeSignature.font-size = #-2 \override BottomStaff.TimeSignature.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t) \omit MidStaff.TimeSignature } TSStaff = { \revert TopStaff.TimeSignature.outside-staff-priority \revert TopStaff.TimeSignature.direction \revert TopStaff.TimeSignature.break-align-symbol \revert TopStaff.TimeSignature.font-size \revert TopStaff.TimeSignature.break-visibility \revert BottomStaff.TimeSignature.outside-staff-priority \revert BottomStaff.TimeSignature.direction \revert BottomStaff.TimeSignature.break-align-symbol \revert BottomStaff.TimeSignature.font-size \revert BottomStaff.TimeSignature.break-visibility \undo \omit MidStaff.TimeSignature } ts = { \TSStaff \time 4/4 s1 \TSScore \tempo "Allegro" \time 3/4 s2. \TSStaff \time 6/8 \tempo "Adagio" s2. \TSScore \time 2/4 \tempo "Allegretto" s2 \time 2/2 s1 \time 6/4 s1. \TSStaff \time 4/4 s1 \time 3/4 s2. } notesOne = \repeat unfold 58 { c'8 } notesTwo = \repeat unfold 58 { c'8 } notesThr = \repeat unfold 58 { c'8 } \score { \new StaffGroup { << \new TopStaff = "one" <<\new Voice { << \ts \notesOne >> } >> \new MidStaff = "two" <<\new Voice { << \ts \notesTwo >> } >> \new BottomStaff = "thr" <<\new Voice { << \ts \notesThr >> } >> >> } \layout{} \midi {} }