Wow that indentation... here is the file.

Le mer. 8 mai 2024, à 11 h 05, Pierre-Luc Gauthier
<> a écrit :
> \version "2.25.15"
> \language "english"
> % _taken from the LSR :
> #(define-markup-command (long-curly-bracket layout props arg-height)
>    (number?)
>    "Draw a curly bracket with a variable length."
>    (interpret-markup layout props
>                      (markup
>                       #:translate (cons 0 (* arg-height -1))
>                       (#:with-dimensions (cons -0.001 0) (cons 0.001 0)
>                                          (#:override (cons (quote filled) #t)
>                                                      (#:path 0.01 `(
> (moveto   -0.8   0.0)
> (curveto  -0.2   0.4  -0.3  0.7 -0.3  1.5)
> (lineto   -0.3   ,arg-height)
> (curveto  -0.4   ,(+ arg-height 1.3) 0.5 ,(+ arg-height 2.8) 0.7 ,(+
> arg-height 2.8))
> (curveto   0.6   ,(+ arg-height 2.5) 0.1 ,(+ arg-height 2)   0.1
> ,arg-height)
> (lineto    0.1   1.5)
> (curveto   0.1   0.7   0.1   0.0  -0.8   0.0)
> (closepath)
> (curveto  -0.2  -0.4  -0.3  -0.7  -0.3  -1.5)
> (lineto   -0.3   ,(* arg-height -1))
> (curveto  -0.4   ,(* (+ arg-height 1.3) -1) 0.5 ,(* (+ arg-height 2.8)
> -1) 0.7 ,(* (+ arg-height 2.8) -1))
> (curveto   0.6   ,(* (+ arg-height 2.5) -1) 0.1 ,(* (+ arg-height 2)
> -1)   0.1 ,(* arg-height -1))
> (lineto    0.1  -1.5)
> (curveto   0.1  -0.7   0.1   0.0  -0.8   0.0)
> (closepath))))))))
> conductorCue = \tag #'conductorOnly {
>   \once \override Staff.BreathingSign.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
>   \once \override Staff.BreathingSign.padding = #10
>   \once \override Staff.BreathingSign.text = \markup {
>     %\override #'((style . outline) (thickness . 1))
>     %\whiteout
>     \lower #1
>     \with-color #red
>     \long-curly-bracket #1
>   } \breathe
> }
> {r2 r4 \conductorCue c' |}
> Which gives pic related.
> It works so I'll try to deploy it to 15 songs -_-'   … (Big rehearsal
> tonight 100+ musicians !!! (is excited))
> Le mer. 8 mai 2024, à 10 h 19, Pierre-Luc Gauthier
> <> a écrit :
> >
> > Hello there,
> >
> > Originaly :
> >
> >
> > I still never got to add cue notes in my conductor scores to help me
> > during rehearsals. Obviously, I could write them by hand but I
> > (re-)compile my parts way too often for that.
> >
> > I have lowered my expectation on having braces that could go across
> > staves but rather would go for single staff "cueing" notation as can
> > be seen for the violin1 and viola example in the attached image.
> >
> > Is it possible to have the behavior of e.g.: \breathe to make sort of
> > a barline that would be a full staff height brace ?  The \caesura,
> > \breathe, etc are effectively taking the required (horizontal) place
> > in the score. Maybe I can just change the stencil ? I'll try that.
> >
> > {r2 r4 \breathe c' |}
> >
> > Thanks for any pointers :-)
> > --
> > Pierre-Luc Gauthier
> --
> Pierre-Luc Gauthier

Pierre-Luc Gauthier
\version "2.25.15"

\language "english"

#(define-markup-command (long-curly-bracket layout props arg-height)
   "Draw a curly bracket with a variable length."
   (interpret-markup layout props
                      #:translate (cons 0 (* arg-height -1))
                      (#:with-dimensions (cons -0.001 0) (cons 0.001 0)
                                         (#:override (cons (quote filled) #t)
                                                     (#:path 0.01 `(
                                                                     (moveto   -0.8   0.0)
                                                                     (curveto  -0.2   0.4  -0.3  0.7 -0.3  1.5)
                                                                     (lineto   -0.3   ,arg-height)
                                                                     (curveto  -0.4   ,(+ arg-height 1.3) 0.5 ,(+ arg-height 2.8) 0.7 ,(+ arg-height 2.8))
                                                                     (curveto   0.6   ,(+ arg-height 2.5) 0.1 ,(+ arg-height 2)   0.1 ,arg-height)
                                                                     (lineto    0.1   1.5)
                                                                     (curveto   0.1   0.7   0.1   0.0  -0.8   0.0)
                                                                     (curveto  -0.2  -0.4  -0.3  -0.7  -0.3  -1.5)
                                                                     (lineto   -0.3   ,(* arg-height -1))
                                                                     (curveto  -0.4   ,(* (+ arg-height 1.3) -1) 0.5 ,(* (+ arg-height 2.8) -1) 0.7 ,(* (+ arg-height 2.8) -1))
                                                                     (curveto   0.6   ,(* (+ arg-height 2.5) -1) 0.1 ,(* (+ arg-height 2) -1)   0.1 ,(* arg-height -1))
                                                                     (lineto    0.1  -1.5)
                                                                     (curveto   0.1  -0.7   0.1   0.0  -0.8   0.0)

conductorCue = \tag #'conductorOnly {
  \once \override Staff.BreathingSign.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
  \once \override Staff.BreathingSign.padding = #10
  \once \override Staff.BreathingSign.text = \markup {
    %\override #'((style . outline) (thickness . 1))
    \lower #1
    \with-color #red
    \long-curly-bracket #1
  } \breathe

{r2 r4 \conductorCue c' |}

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