Hello there, Originaly : https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2017-11/msg00303.html
I still never got to add cue notes in my conductor scores to help me during rehearsals. Obviously, I could write them by hand but I (re-)compile my parts way too often for that. I have lowered my expectation on having braces that could go across staves but rather would go for single staff "cueing" notation as can be seen for the violin1 and viola example in the attached image. Is it possible to have the behavior of e.g.: \breathe to make sort of a barline that would be a full staff height brace ? The \caesura, \breathe, etc are effectively taking the required (horizontal) place in the score. Maybe I can just change the stencil ? I'll try that. {r2 r4 \breathe c' |} Thanks for any pointers :-) -- Pierre-Luc Gauthier