On Wed 24 Apr 2024 at 19:13:47 (+0200), Johannes Roeßler wrote: > Hey David, > > it works - but I am running into an issue with short passages. > I would like to stretch the choir part to the right side, > but when I bring in "ragged-right = ##f" then it breaks: > > I assume you have a solution for that issue?
Very simple, but not obvious from my cropped screenshot, I right-justify the responses. I don't stretch the versicles at all, and I set them with a breve or semibreve (reciting note) and stemless crochets, avoiding any indication of rhythm. (With the commonly used Ferial versicles, only "O God make speed to save us" is entirely crochets, with no reciting note.) I don't like to stretch the responses music much at all, because I find that makes it more difficult to read. So a short V&R pair will have a wide margin to its left. Right-justification is used by Shorter House in their Book of New Responses, and by Church Music Society in their 1993 Watkins Shaw edition of Preces and Responses. OTOH the older Atkins/Fellowes edition of the latter had its V&Rs placed centrally. I've attached a much-reduced illustration of one set (Smith/Stone). On page 2, the choir sings everything after the 2nd versicle; page 4 has the Lord's Prayer; and the final line of music is a concatenation of the three Amens. I've also attached my Plainlayout file, used here for the versicles. I set the size externally because I use much larger sizes than here with less familiar plainsong, like the Gospels of the Passion, and the dreaded liturgical tracts. plainlayout = \layout { \plainlayout #(layout-set-staff-size 9) } Cheers, David.
\version "2.25.9" % 2016-05-04 %% Sets up \plainlayout, which is local, designed not to interfere %% with the top-level layouts, which are cumulative. %% Used for interspersing plainsong sections with normal music. plainlayout = \layout { indent = 0 ragged-right = ##t \context { \Score timing = ##f \override SpacingSpanner.shortest-duration-space = #3.0 } \context { \Staff \omit TimeSignature \override BreathingSign.text = #(make-musicglyph-markup "scripts.tickmark") } \context { \Voice \omit Stem \omit Flag \override Slur.direction = #UP } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #1.0 } }