Thx David, and it's exactly what I'll use it for... Preces :)
Am 22. April 2024 21:41:12 schrieb David Wright <>:
On Mon 22 Apr 2024 at 18:06:21 (+0200), Johannes Roeßler wrote:
\version "2.24.0"
\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff {s1 s1 a'1}
\new Staff {s1 s1 a'1}
\new Staff {a'1 a' a'}
\new Staff {s1 s1 a'1}
\layout { }
I'm guessing this might be an XY question. What I do is to put
the solo into the instrument name. The bare bones are below,
though not an MWE because I haven't included the shortcuts I use.
Here, the solo is a bass, and they have been shrunk a little.
Aintonation = \markup {
\score {
\transpose af g
\new Staff = staff <<
\new Voice { \Acantor }
\addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = staff } { \Avtext }
\layout { \plainlayout }
\hspace #5 "B."
\score {
\transpose af g
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff <<
\clef treble { \Rglobal \Abarring }
\new Voice { \accident \Asoprano }
\addlyrics { \Artext }
\new Staff <<
\clef treble \Rglobal
\new Voice { \accident \Aaltoi }
\addlyrics { \Artext }
\new Staff <<
\clef treble \Rglobal
\new Voice { \accident \Aaltoii }
\addlyrics { \Artext }
\new Staff <<
\clef "treble_8" \Rglobal
\new Voice { \accident \Atenor }
\addlyrics { \Artextt }
\new Staff <<
\override Staff.InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\set Staff.instrumentName = \Aintonation
\clef bass \Rglobal
\new Voice { \accident \Abass }
\addlyrics { \Artext }
\midi { \miditempo }
\layout { indent = 70 }