> Is there any reason for expecting me to install an unwanted program, in 
> order to get a program I do want? Or are you trying to force everybody 
> to use Frescobaldi? Why?

The default installation tutorial use Frescobaldi because it's a
newcomer-friendly IDE. That doesn't mean we're trying to "force"
people to use Frescobaldi. You may use the command line, or Emacs,
or VS Code, or whatever way of running an executable.

> Well, it doesn't appear to work ...
> Bear in mind I'm running Windows, so I don't want to run lilypond from
> the command line. I double-click a .ly file, it runs lilypond, and my
> pdf appears (or at least it does, running the old version).

That particular workflow however is not supported out of the box anymore,
since the distributed artifacts are no longer .exe installers.

It might be possible to recreate it, but I don't know if Windows will let
you associate a file extension with an arbitrary program or if it only
supports associating with a GUI app.

In any case, you would need to write a script to redirect the log
to a separate file (since the -dgui option has disappeared as well,
commit 602c391915).

> What I did was open a command shell as administrator, and extracted
> lilypond into Program Files. I then opened a .ly file and - nothing
> happened!

Well, merely extracting a ZIP archive somewhere will just... create files
on your computer, that's all. It doesn't change file associations.

> Or rather, nothing useful happened. A popup window opened, and
> disappeared. No log files, no output, no nothing.
> Okay. Tried to run it the un-windows way of using the command line.
> Complete pain in the ass, I'm afraid. And at least I can see the error
> messages ...
> D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso>"c:\Program
> Files\lilypond-2.24.3\bin\lilypond.exe" partTromboneB.ly
> GNU LilyPond 2.24.3 (running Guile 2.2)
> Processing `partTromboneB.ly'
> Parsing...
> partTromboneB.ly:6:10: error: cannot find file: `voiceTromboneB.ily'
> (search path: `c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/ly;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/ps;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/scm;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/fonts/otf/;c:/Program
> Files/lilypond-2.24.3/share/lilypond/2.24.3/fonts/svg/;')
> \include
>           "voiceTromboneB.ily"
> partTromboneB.ly:23:41: error: unknown escaped string: `\voiceTromboneB'
>                                          \voiceTromboneB
> partTromboneB.ly:23:41: error: string outside of text script or \lyricmode
>                                          \voiceTromboneB
> Note: compilation failed and \version outdated, did you
> update input syntax with convert-ly?
> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/usage/updating-files-with-convert_002dly
> Interpreting music...[8]
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Converting to `partTromboneB.pdf'...
> fatal error: failed files: "partTromboneB.ly"
> D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso>
> So it looks like it's searching the program directory for my include
> files, and not the current directory where they actually are! Note that
> running the older lilypond correctly compiles the file.

Is voiceTromboneB.ily really in the *current* directory? Namely
D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\_Grandioso\ (and not, e.g.,
D:\Users\Anthony\My Git\music\GBB-Concert\)?

Note that the search path ends in a ';' which means that there is actually
an empty entry at the end, which should search the current directory (in other
words, LilyPond is not searching only its internal directories, it's searching
both these and the current directory, and that's perfectly normal).

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