Please have a look at the attached image (from the full score of Stravinsky's Firebird, after rehearsal number 32). How do I correctly notate this in LilyPond? AFAICS, there is no real support for that – at least the 'most natural' way to notate it fails with warnings. I could only manage to write a work-around by not using tremoli. It seems that the `Chord_tremolo_engraver` is highjacking beams completely...
Werner ``` \markup "doesn't work" \relative c''' { \repeat tremolo 4 { e32[ c! } \repeat tremolo 4 { es c } \repeat tremolo 4 { d b] } } \markup "work-around" \relative c''' { \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set minimumBeamSubdivisionInterval = \musicLength 8 \override = 2 e32*2[ c! es c d b] } ```