Hi all I'm adding an ossia staff during specific bars only. This works fine in general.
Interestingly / strangely, as soon as the \section (double barline) falls into a \grace (or \appoggiatura or \acciaccatura) in the ossia staff a regular barline is added at the position where I'd expect the double barline to appear. Without either \section or \grace, everything looks fine. Toggle the comment marks in order to reproduce. The issue is not related to the ossia Staff type (DrumStaff). It occurs with regular Staves as well. TIA Stephan \version "2.24" drumFill = \drummode { %\grace { tomh16 16} % play with (un)commenting tomh16 r16 \grace { toml16 16} 16 r16 \grace { tomh16 16} 16 r16 \grace { toml16 16} 16 r16 r2 } melody = \relative c' { c1 %\section % play with (un)commenting R1 c } \score { << \new DrumStaff = "ossia" \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver \hide Clef \magnifyStaff #2/3 } { \stopStaff s1 \startStaff \drumFill \stopStaff } \new Staff { \melody } >> \layout { \context { \DrumStaff \RemoveAllEmptyStaves } } }