On Sun, 2024-03-24 at 21:55 +0100, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote:
> Hi David,
> David Sumbler <da...@aeolia.co.uk> schrieb am So., 24. März 2024,
> 21:29:
> > I am running xubuntu  22.04.  When I last used Lilypond (November
> > 2023) I was probably running a recent version of Ubuntu Unity.  But
> > my /home folder has not changed significantly, and Lilypond 2.24.1,
> > downloaded from lilypond.org, is installed there.
> > 
> > I don't quite understand the question about PATH.  The command
> > lilypond is set up to invoke bin/lilypond in my home folder; this
> > is a short script to call my latest version of lilypond in its
> > folder which is a subfolder of my home folder.  And clearly it is
> > doing this.
> > 
> > What do I get as an error message?  I as sorry if I was not clear,
> > but I do not get any error message at all.  No error reported, no
> > warnings, no compilation; merely the same output I would get if I
> > simply typed the command 'lilypond'.
> But this sounds as if your script in bin does not pass command line
> arguments to lilypond, doesn't it?
> So, is this script self-written? And what does its source code look
> like?
> Lukas

You've found the answer!  No, my script wasn't passing command line
arguments, and Ctrl-C Ctrl_L in Emacs lilypond-mode was naturally also
using my one-line script.  Having corrected the script, it now works as

What I don't understand is why or how it always used to work, but I
suppose there's no point in worrying about that.

Anyway, thanks for finding the solution!


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