I haven't used Lilypond for a while, but I have currently got v.2.24.1

I started a new, very small, project today, but I can't compile
anything.  Thinking I must have forgotten even the basics of writing
Lilypond files, I tried a few of my previous project files which I have
successfully compiled in the past.  But nothing will compile.

If I use the bash command line, with, for example,  'lilypond -V
file.ly' I get no compilation, and the output is identical to what I
get if I just enter 'lilypond' with no option and no file.

If I try to compile from Emacs, using Ctrl-C Ctrl-L, I get exactly the
same output as above, with "Compilation exited abnormally with code 2
at Sun Mar 24 15:54:38" or similar suffixed.

What can possibly be wrong?  Lilypond isn't giving me any clues.


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