Hi LilyPonders,

I bumped into a situation similar to this tiny example (In the real score the linebreak happened at such a situation without a forced \break but the result was the same):

\relative c' {
   c4 c c *cis* *~* |
   *cis* *cis* cis d |

the sharp sign in the 2nd bar is printed twice. I am not sure if that's the correct behaviour? Without a \break the sharp is not printed for the tied 1st cis in the 2nd bar, and only repeated for the 2nd cis in the 2nd bar. I can imagine the reason to print the sharp sign after a linebreak and/or pagebreak. But in such a case I would not repeat the sharp on the snd quarter.

Is this a bug or a discussable way to interpret the conventions?
And: how can I override the current behaviour and choose where to print or not print sharps whenever I want to?


Attachment: test-tie.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.23.1"

\relative c' {
  c4 c c cis ~ |
  cis cis cis d |

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