Also: your tie needs to end in the same voice it started. \new Voice and the 
<<\\>> construct both create other voices. If you remove \new Voice = “melody” 
from your first attempt it will work, as the last note of the tie is then in 
the same voice as the first. 

> 25 jan. 2024 kl. 00:37 skrev Mark Stephen Mrotek <>:
> Butter,
> Use
> \repeatTie
> See
> Mark
> From: 
> <> On Behalf Of Butter Cream
> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 1:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: Ties across voices; tried two methods
> Hi ponders, I have a piece of music with alternative ending. The last measure 
> prior to the alternative is a single voice has a tied note to both endings. 
> I'v e tried two methods but both methods produce similar error: {with no tie} 
> Any help would be appreciated.
> *.ly:100:42: warning: unterminated tie
>     <g d'>4 <g' d'>8 <g c>~ <g c>4 r8 bes
>                                          ~ | % m19
> [16][16]
> I've tried both these methods: 
>     <g d'>4 <g' d'>8 <g c>~ <g c>4 r8 bes~ | % m19   <-Last measure single 
> voice
>   } <- end of repeat Volta 2
>   \alternative {
> % method one using \new Voice 
>  { \new Voice = "melody" {
>     << { \voiceOne bes8 g4 g8~ g2 }
>        \new Voice { \voiceTwo <d f>2 <c e>2 }
>     >> \oneVoice
>     } | <g d'>4 r r2 | % m
>    }
>     { { \new Voice = "melody" {
>     << { \voiceOne bes'8 g4 g8~ g2 }
>        \new Voice { \voiceTwo <d f>2 <c e>2 }
>     >> \oneVoice
>     } | % m
>    } <b d'>4 r r2 | }
>   }
>   }
> \alternative {
> % method two using \\
>   { << { bes8 g4 g8~ g2 } \\ { <d f>2 <c e>2 } >> | <g d'>4 r r2 | }
>   { << { bes8 g4 g8~ g2 } \\ { <d f>2 <c e>2 } >> | <b d'>4 r r2 | }
>  }
> produces this. with notes not tied.
> <image001.png>
> Thank you.

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