Thank you very much for this clarification, David. That makes a lot of sense (once you know it.)

On 17.12.2023 02.50, David Kastrup wrote:
\voiceOne is the topmost voice.  \voiceTwo is the bottommost voice.
\voiceThree is the voice below \voiceOne.  \voiceFour is the voice above

The voices from the top (stem up) are counted 1, 3, 5, ...  The voices
from the bottom (stem down) are counted 2, 4, 6, ...

If I  understand you correctly, in the following music example, green is VoiceOne, blue is VoiceTwo and red is VoiceFour.

I think that looks good, actually, and is fairly readable, although I do think aligning VoiceOne and VoiceFour as done by /Bärenreiter/ in my previous message improves readability quite a bit.

MWE with colours:

\version "2.25.11"
\language "deutsch"

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

rightOne = \relative c'' {
  \global c8 d e fis g d e fis | g d g4. f16 e d8 f~| f e16 d e8 r r2 |

rightTwo = \relative c'' {
  \global g4. a8 h4 c | h4. h8 a4. g8 | c2 r2 |

leftOne = \relative c' {
  \global \voiceOne \override NoteHead.color = #green e4 r d c | d2 c4 d | g, f'\rest r2 |

leftTwo = \relative c {
  \global << { \voiceFour \override NoteHead.color = #red c4 c' h a | h g a h | c a8\rest c h a h g }              \new Voice { \voiceTwo \override NoteHead.color = #blue c,2 h4 a | h g a h | c2 g\rest } >>

\score {
    \new PianoStaff  <<
      \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
      \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }

Does anyone know how to align VoiceOne (green) further left to match the horizontal position of VoiceFour (red)?

In the final bar, is it possible to align VoiceTwo (blue) and VoiceFour (red), without causing them to share a stem?

Best wishes,


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