
I've always struggled with multiple voice and getting things to align correctly. I assume there's some basic truth I'm missing.

I'm attempting to transcribe an organ chorale and have run into a problem with these three bars:

I have tried all sorts of combination of \Voice and \StemDown and \ShiftOff and whatnot, and I just can't get it to look right.

In my MWE (below), everything is in the right horizontal /position/, but if I flip the stems of the bottom voice down, the notes shift left. I'm sure this is by design, but I can't figure out how to change the behaviour.

Maybe it's the \voiceThree bit that makes it not work, but it looks worse without it.

\version "2.25.11"
\language "deutsch"

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4

rightOne = \relative c'' {
  \global c8 d e fis g d e fis | g d g4. f16 e d8 f~| f e16 d e8 r r2 |

rightTwo = \relative c'' {
  \global g4. a8 h4 c | h4. h8 a4. g8 | c2 r2 |

leftOne = \relative c' {
  \global \voiceOne e4 r d c | d2 c4 d | g, f'\rest r2 |

leftTwo = \relative c {
  \global << { \voiceTwo c4 c' h a | h g a h | \shiftOn c a8\rest c h a h g }
             \new Voice { \voiceThree
                          % \stemDown here moves the notes left
                          c,2 h4 a | h g a h | \stemDown c2 g\rest } >>

\score {
    \new PianoStaff  <<
      \new Staff = "right" << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
      \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }

Can anyone help? (And apart from the stems, how do I shift things into position for the chord on the first beat af the third measure /without/ the stems of the upper and lower parts combining?)

Best wishes,


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