Hi Kevin,

On Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 7:38 PM Kevin Cole <dc.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm looking at a pice of music that shows an arpeggio between two
> dotted half-notes in one voice and a quarter-note in the other voice.
> Specifically, in the wee snippet below, the first e4 in the first
> voice is at the top of the arpeggio above the <gs~ b>2 in the second
> voice.

Having a look at
it turns out there's a Span_arpeggio_engraver you can add to take care of
this. Also, a Staff.connectArpeggios property to set. Adding those in, your
example becomes:

\version "2.25.10"
\language "english"

music = \relative c' {
  \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t % Need to tell Lilypond to play connect
the dots with the arpeggios
      e4\arpeggio e4 b4  | %  1 - Need to mark both top and bottom of
connected arpeggios
      e2 b8[ b8]  | %  2
      <gs~ b>2.\arpeggio | %  1 - Need to mark both top and bottom of
connected arpeggios
      \stemUp gs2 \stemNeutral s4 | %  2

\new Staff \with {
  \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" % Could also be done in a layout block
} {
  \time 3/4 % Just a guess? Fixes the barcheck error
  \new Voice {

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