Hello list, I am trying to add a line between notes to denote a "staff switch". However, the music is not on a single voice/staff. Problems listed after the snippet.
Here is a snippet of an abstraction of my music: \score { \new GrandStaff << \new Staff = up \relative c' { \time 12/8 % glissando \sectionLabel "glissando" <b d a'>2.\glissando << { \change Staff = down \voiceOne \hideNotes g'4. \unHideNotes } \\ { \voiceTwo \change Staff = up r4. } >> <e g a c> % StaffSwitch \sectionLabel "staff switch" \showStaffSwitch <b d a'>2. << { \change Staff = down \hideNotes g'4. \unHideNotes } \\ { \change Staff = up r4. } >> \hideStaffSwitch <e g a c> } \new Staff = down \relative c, { \clef bass <c g' f'>2. <b'' e g>4. r \resetRelativeOctave c, <c g' f'>2. <b'' e g>4. r } >> } I was able to do it when there are only 1 voice (the invisible note voice) but when the rest is added (i believe it is the second voice) problem occurs. Here are the problems I encountered: 1. glissando: i couldn't not control where it goes when there are multiple voices 2. staff switch: it refuses to show up when there are multiple voices Attached is a picture of what i wanted (in musescore). Am I using the wrong tool for this job? -- Glen