The tiny example below contains a bar of sixteenth-note triplets in 6/8 time.
In this example, I used the "[" and "]" characters to achieve the desired
beaming manually.
Instead of using the "[" and "]" characters, what is the correct code to set
the automatic beam behavior for these sixteenth-note triplets?
I tried to set the automatic beam behavior by using \set Timing.beamExceptions
and \set Timing.beatStructure as described in section 3.5 of the Lilypond
Notation Reference (LilyPond Notation Reference: 1.2.4 Beams), but I am not
achieving the desired result. Most likely, I have misunderstood or missed
something in the documentation or snippets.
Thanks to anyone who is willing to provide an answer that will avoid the manual
beaming of these triplets.
Joe Srednicki
========\version "2.24.1"\language "english"
global = { \key e \minor \time 6/8}
melody = \relative c' { \global \tuplet 3/2 8 { e16 [ g e ] g [ e g ] a [ e a
] b [ d b ] c [ g c ] b g b} |}
\score { \new Staff \melody}