Thanks for sharing your workflow, that's what I was afraid I'd have to do.
While waiting for other possible answers, I would like to ask you what
problems, if any, your approach presents when you go to elaborate the parts.

Il giorno lun 14 ago 2023 alle ore 17:29 Flaming Hakama by Elaine <> ha scritto:

>> From: Rip _Mus <>
>> To: Lilypond-User Mailing List <>
>> Cc:
>> Bcc:
>> Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:43:17 +0200
>> Subject: Question about condensed score
>> Good morning everyone!
>> I would like to ask if you know a strategy to achieve the following
>> result.
>> I'm working on an orchestral score. I'd like the two flute staves to be
>> shown separate when they play, while condensed when both are silent
>> (perhaps with a staff name showing the indication "fl. 1-2").
>> Could you help me get this result?
>> Thank you
>> Rip_mus
> Usually when I need split staves in some place and combined staves in
> others,
> I use a score with 3 staves: one for each single staff, and then one
> combined staff.
> For the pages where you want combined, both single staves are empty.
> And for the pages where you want split staves, the combined staves are
> empty.
> Then use \RemoveEmptyStaves to get rid of the empty staves
> The issue with this approach in your case is that
> you want the combined staff to show only when there are rests,
> so in order to get those to print, you would need to add something
> to the combined staff so that it was not empty.
> I tend to use an invisible dynamic like \tweak stencil ##f \mp
> HTH,
> Elaine Alt
> 415 . 341 .4954                                           "*Confusion is
> highly underrated*"
> Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist ~ Educator
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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