Hallo Carolyn,

I have read that section again and I am still a bit confused at what I am seeing in this attempt at a MWE.  In bar 2 the voiceTwo notes are shifted right, but in bar 5 the voiceOne note, a dotted note, is being shifted to the right.  I have tried using the Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-dotted-right override but that doesn’t seem to help.  In bar 7 there is a different construct with temporary voices and there the shifting looks like what I want.  I am trying to get the dotted stemUp note in bar 5 to be shifted left.
[code example snipped]

I'm not sure I understand you. Do you want the dotted half-note d in Bar 5 moved to the left of the quarter note d (of the 2nd voice) similar to what we see in bar 7?

If so, that would create a rather large shift of the quarter note d (of the 2nd voice) - it would basically start where the 2n quarter note d is now. Such a placement would very much irritate as it would like as if there is a rest missing on the first beat.

Or am I misunderstanding you?

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

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