Hello Lib, this is a limitation of the Lilypond parser which implements the syntax
\tempo [text] [duration = ...] Here it assumes that ... is an unsigned integer. This I think is not unreasonable, if you tell a musician to play something in MM 72.4 he will probably be a bit confused. Anyway, the solution to the problem would be to simply not use this parser feature. \tempo is only a parser feature and not a music function as a music functions do not allow the 4 = 120 syntax and does not allow having two arguments both of which can be optional but one being mandatory. But in the end \tempo ... still evaluates to a music event, as you can see if you do \displayMusic \tempo "some text" 4 = 120 This creates two music events: (make-music 'TempoChangeEvent 'metronome-count 120 'tempo-unit (ly:make-duration 2) 'text "some text") is the event that is responsible for creating the tempo mark and (make-music 'ContextSpeccedMusic 'context-type 'Score 'element (make-music 'PropertySet 'value (ly:make-moment 30) 'symbol 'tempoWholesPerMinute)) is what makes midi tempo work (it basically sets Score.tempoWholesPerMinute to a moment of duration metronome marking * metronome base length, so in our case 120 * 1/4 = 30. So what you need to do to get non integral is to manually create the first thing: { #(make-music 'TempoChangeEvent 'metronome-count 72.4 'tempo-unit (ly:make-duration 2) 'text "Weird tempo") c } To get midi to work you’ll also need to do \score { { #(make-music 'TempoChangeEvent 'metronome-count 72.4 'tempo-unit (ly:make-duration 2) 'text "Weird tempo") \set Score.tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment (* 724/10 1/4)) c } \layout { } \midi { } } If you do not what to do the conversion to rationals 72.4 → 724/10 yourself you can use (inexact->exact ...), but keep in mind that this will include rounding errors: (inexact->exact 72.4) -> 2547348539231437/35184372088832 which is the representation of 72.4 with binary digits with machine precision (the denominator is 2^45). Cheers, Valentin Am Sonntag, 25. Juni 2023, 11:44:59 CEST schrieb Lib Lists: > Hello, > > I realised that Lilypond doesn't like it if the metronome value is a > non-integer. In the example below, assigning 7 to the voiceAmount > variable triggers a 'error: not an unsigned integer'. I tried to > construct the metronome number marking as a markup, but without > success. > > Any suggestions? The idea is to have the metronome markings values > automatically generated, starting from 4 = 120 in the upper staff. > Below both a M(non-)WE and the complete example > > Thank you in advance for any help! > > Cheers, > Lib > > %%% MWE %%% > \version "2.25.5" > \score { > \new Staff { > \tempo 4 = #(* 1 (/ 120 7 )) > { c' } > } > } > %%% > > > %%% COMPLETE EXAMPLE %%% > \version "2.25.5" > > voiceAmount = 7 > > \score { > \new StaffGroup << > #@(map (lambda (i) > #{ > \new Staff { > \scaleDurations #(cons voiceAmount i) { > \tempo 4 = #(* i (/ 120 voiceAmount )) > \relative c'' \repeat unfold #i {{c c c c }} \bar "||" > } > } > #}) > (iota voiceAmount voiceAmount -1)) > > > \layout { > \context { > \Score > \remove Metronome_mark_engraver > \cadenzaOn > } > \context { > \Staff > \remove Time_signature_engraver > \consists Metronome_mark_engraver > } > } > } > %%%
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