Better make that:

> ```
> \version "2.24.1"
> #(define ((Keep_only_engraver i) context)
> ```


#(define ((Keep_only_performer i) context)


> ```
> (let ((j 0))
>      (make-performer
>       (listeners
>        ((note-event performer event)
>         (unless (eqv? i j)
>           (ly:event-set-property! event 'pitch #f))
>         (set! j (1+ j))))
>       ((stop-translation-timestep performer)
>        (set! j 0)))))
> #(define (scores n music)
>    (apply values
>           (map (lambda (i)
>                  #{
>                    \score {
>                      \midi { \context { \Score \consists #(Keep_only_engraver 
> i) } }
> ```


                      \midi { \context { \Score \consists #(Keep_only_performer 
i) } }


> ```
>                      #music
>                    }
>                  #})
>                (iota n))))
> mus = <<
>   \new Staff { c'1 d'2 d'4 e'4 }
>   \new Staff << { g'1 a'2 a'4 b'4 } \\ { g1 g1 } >>
> >>
> { \mus }
> $(scores 3 mus) % 3 is the max number of simutaneous notes
> ```

(yay for muscle memory)

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