in the hope of separating MIDI notes that don't have identical timing.
That is, if my input is
<< { a1 } \\ { b2 <c d>2 } >>
it would be nice to be able to separate it out into three separate
for separate MIDI channels, like:
{ a1 }
{ b2 c2 }
{ r2 d2 }
Not hardly tested but this should work :
\version "2.24.1"
\include ""
noteAloneToRest = #(define-music-function (music)(ly:music?)
(case (name-of evt) ;; see
((EventChord) evt) ;; not #f => stop iteration
((NoteEvent) ;; note to rest
(make-music 'RestEvent 'duration (ly:music-property evt
'duration '())))
(else #f))) ;; continue iteration
music = << { a1 } \\ { b2 <c' d'>2 } >>
midiI = \extractVoice #1 \music
midiII = \extractVoice #2 \extractNote #1 \music
midiIII = \extractVoice #2 \extractNote #2 \noteAloneToRest \music
\score { <<
\new Staff { \midiI } % { a1 }
\new Staff { \midiII } % { b2 c2 }
\new Staff { \midiIII } % { r2 d2 }
% \midi