Eh? It's a perfectly good word that gets a moderate amount of use, typically describing the treatment of people who are to be considered outsiders to a group. It is a fairly modern coinage, but "other" is recognised as a transitive verb by both Oxford and Meriam-Webster in their recent dictionaries (my older Shorter Oxford doesn't list "other" as a verb, though).
Paul From: Vincent Gay <> To: <> Sent: 10/05/2023 13:44 Subject: Re: Othering?? Le 10/05/2023 à 14:26, Andrew Bernard a écrit : a word that does not really exist in English DeepL translate Othering in French by altérisation, which is not really French either (the right word would be altération) I suppose this is related to the use of sharp, flat and other beccare -- Vincent Gay Envoyé depuis mon saxo-phone :) -