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Hello Lukas,

quite nice to see how much MuseScore has improved (although I dislike the 
direction they are going in overall terms of usability).

We see here though that optical correction for such kneed Beams is much better 
with Lilypond. One other thing we see here is how Lilypond tends to spread 
short notes if Accidentals are involvend, which in my opinion makes things 
hard to read. If you look at hand engraved scores you will often see such 
accidentals packed in so that the short note values can be spaced quite close 
to each other.

Here is a comparison with the quintuplet and the septuplet (which I personally 
would notate as 32th notes) having the accidentals packed in quite tightly. In 
my opinion (even if it is a bit uneven) this is easier for the eye to parse, 
even though the measureable difference is quite small.

\version "2.25.4"

\language deutsch

\layout {
   \accidentalStyle modern
   indent = 0
   \omit Score.TimeSignature


packedAccidentals = {
  \temporary\override Accidental.extra-spacing-width = #'(0.02 . 0)
  \temporary\offset X-offset #0.25 Accidental

unpackedAccidentals = {
  \revert Accidental.extra-spacing-width
  \revert Accidental.X-offset

mus = \new PianoStaff
   \new Staff = up
   \relative {
     \textMark "LilyPond Master, 2023/04/19"
     \tag #'versionB \packedAccidentals
     \tuplet 5/4 { d''16 cis d' gis h, }
     \tag #'versionB \unpackedAccidentals
     c8 g
     \tuplet 3/2 { f4 a, b }
     a16 f h f
     \tag #'versionB \packedAccidentals
     \tuplet 7/4 { g! cis dis e fis e gis }
     \tag #'versionB \unpackedAccidentals
     a32 \change Staff = down \once\voiceOne f,, \change Staff = up h'16 g a
     \tuplet 3/2 { e8 f g }
   \new Staff = down \with { \clef bass }
   \relative {
     a16 f g c
     \tuplet 3/2 { e8 h a }
     d16 h a f
     \tuplet 5/4 { c16 e f g f }
     e8 d
     c16 h a g
     \tuplet 3/2 { a4 d c }
 \score {
   \removeWithTag #'versionB \mus
 \score {


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