From: Lukas-Fabian Moser <> on, someone (obviously a MuseScore developer) posted an analysis of a Sibelius/MuseScore comparison. I took the liberty of adding a LilyPond version in case anybody is interested, compiled with today's current master. The .ly source is below; I had to force a \stemDown for the right hand part of the cross-staff situation (and \voiceOne / \voiceTwo settings, but these are expected).
I happened to be checking tuplet notation in Gould today, and it strikes me that the default LilyPond treatment of tuplet brackets shown by that example does not follow her clear default rule (which is also stated by Ross, and followed without comment by Stone and loosely (!) by Read), which is that the ends of the brackets align with the outside edges of the noteheads or rests concerned. For some reason LilyPond aligns with stems instead - which to my mind is ugly, as well as not following the guidance. Regards, Paul