
I'm about to transcript a part that contains a D.S al coda with the to code
mark placed in a repeat section. The picture below shows an example of what
I want but with the code mark misplaced. I manually place the text "last
time to code" where I want it. I include the code I have.

Can you help me to get it right? Ideally a solution that will produce the
right output if I use the unfoldRepeats command.


[image: image.png]
\version "2.24.0"

lastTimeToCodaMark = \textEndMark \markup { \fontsize #-1
                                            \column {
                                              \line { last time }
                                              \line { to coda 
                                              \fontsize #1
                                              \coda }
  \relative c'' {
    c4 c c c c c c c
    \repeat segno 2 {
      c4 c c c 
      \repeat volta 2 {
        c c c c
        \alternative {
          \volta 1 { c c c c }
          \volta 2 { c c c c }

      c c c c
      \alternative {
        \volta 1 {
          \repeat unfold 3 { c4 c c c }
        \volta 2 \volta #'() {
          \sectionLabel "Coda"
          <> \coda

    \repeat unfold 2 { c4 c c c }    


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